A variety of factors can affect how water tastes, smells and feels. That’s why we test your water before we recommend how to treat it properly. Here are a few of the water problems we commonly see and treat.
Chromium 6, Arsenic, Nitrates, Nitrites, and TCE
Chromium 6, Arsenic, Nitrates, Nitrites, and TCE can lead to a variety of health issues. According to the EPA, Arsenic may cause skin damage, problems with circulatory systems, and an increased risk of cancer.
Hard Water / Lime Scale
Hard water dries out skin and makes hair brittle. It causes soap scum / white film in tubs and showers, spots on faucets and fixtures, as well as etching and spotting on dishes and silverware. Hard water also causes scaling in plumbing and appliances, which results in less efficiency, reduced life cycles, and costly repairs. Other associated hard water problems include “dulling” and stiffening of laundry and having to work harder to clean bathrooms and kitchens.
Chlorine taste or smell
When your water tastes or smells like chlorine, it is unappealing and can dry out your skin and hair plus cause your laundry to fade. While municipalities use chlorine to disinfect the water supply, it should be filtered out before you use it to eliminate these effects.
Iron and Manganese
Iron and manganese can leave rust stains on clothing, appliances and fixtures. What’s more, these metals can make your water taste and smell bad. Kinetico can help remove iron from your water.
Well Water
Well water commonly is high in nitrates and arsenic. Kinetico can treat those problems as well as providing sediment, iron, and sulfur filters. A water softener and/or drinking water purification system may also be recommended for well water treatment.