For a brilliantly simple approach that fits all your family's water needs.
Kinetico of Omaha understands the water challenges in the heartland and will take the time to learn about the particular water issues your family is facing. That way, we can recommend the most efficient, effective and economical water treatment solutions custom fit to your home. You will work with honest and professional people who take a great deal of pride in their work.

Explore Water Softeners
A Kinetico, NON ELECTRIC, Water Softener will provide your family with abundant, clean, soft water on demand.

Explore Water Filtration
Kinetico filters and systems are cleverly engineered to solve your specific water challenges.

Drinking Water Systems
Providing your family with fresh, clean great-tasting water without worry or concern.
What's Different About Kinetico?
No Electronics
40%-70% of all problems with water softeners are directly related to clocks, timers, motors and computers. Kinetico has no electronics of any kind.
No Interruption of Service
Kinetico delivers soft water throughout your home during the regeneration process.
Regeneration Times
Kinetico regenerates based on water usage not on a set timer.
Increased Life Expectancy
Equipment life expectancy can be doubled or tripled when electronics are eliminated.
No Adjustments
Kinetico has NO adjustments! No buttons, no dials, no place to put a wrench, no place to put a screwdriver, no batteries and no blinking lights.